What do we need to know about orphaned and vulnerable children?
The children at Selamta are now in amazing loving families, but they have all experienced trauma and loss. In this phase we will learn about trauma and attachment and what our kids have experienced. Then we will talk about how this information informs how we serve and interact with Selamta’s children and other children we may meet.
What do you need to know and understand about orphan statistics?
Watch Carissa Woodwyk talk about what children who have been adopted want others to know.
How does Trauma affect us?
Watch this video about how toxic stress changes our brain structure.
The good news, is that our bodies are capable of healing. To learn more about toxic stress and how healing is possible, read The Changing Brain by CAFO.
Focus on pages 17-27.
the importance of healthy attachment
Early attachment is very important in childhood attachment. Watch this video which explains the affects of not attaching or having unhealthy attachments early on.